Spring 2016- Journal of Space Philosophy – VOLUME 5, NUMBER 1

Mar 20, 2016

This special science issue of the Journal of Space Philosophy is dedicated to Earth’s space scientists, who have brought humanity, through their sciences, to the brink of the Space Epoch. That epoch will contain new worlds for humans holding the promise of improvements and survival for our species beyond our current imaginations.

The feature article in this Spring 2016 issue of the Journal of Space Philosophy, “Recursive Distinctioning,” by scientists Joel D. Isaacson and Louis H. Kauffman, is a major addition to this historic legacy. This issue is also dedicated to the memory of Eshel Ben-Jacob whose recursive creativity has halted abruptly and whose ideas continue to dwell in these pages. The picture at the bottom of the page is of actual bacteria colonies that Eshel used to refer to as “bacteria art.” He and Joel Isaacson made the tacit assumption that bacteria use RD for their intelligence and organization.

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