Space Scholars

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The Space Scholars Program is looking for scholars to advance research and development supporting the expansion of human civilization from Earth to Space. We are recruiting exceptional people with a passion for space exploration. We provide education in interdisciplinary space studies, to develop new knowledge and experiences in pioneering fields of research related to human living and working in space.

We are looking for explorers, tinkerers, and innovators who are research savvy – future pioneers who love to dive deep into the numbers but who can also take a step back from them and think about the big picture. Space Scholars are motivated individuals who are curious about the issues that matter most to our society, pursuing excellence bridging their passions and academic studies to bring a meaningful contribution to the migration of humanity into space.

Take Your Next Steps


Space Scholars are driven by their innate curiosity and have a genuine desire to address the most significant challenges facing our society. By aligning their personal passions with their academic pursuits, they aim to make substantial contributions towards the migration of humanity into space. If you are an aspiring pioneer, eager to push the boundaries of knowledge and embark on a journey that will shape the future of humanity, the Space Scholars Program welcomes you. Join us in our mission to expand the frontiers of human civilization and create a meaningful impact on the exploration and permanent habitation of outer space.


The ideal candidate should have:

  • A Bachelor’s Degree from a college or university accredited by the appropriate regional association with a minimum grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale or equivalent work experience in professional academic and/or government or private industry positions and achievements.
  • Candidate must meet admissions requirements to the university
  • Excellent communication skills with the capacity to work in an international setting
  • Applicants from all academic disciplines are encouraged to apply.
  • Must submit a complete and accurate application by the specified deadline.


  • Scholarship covering 50% of tuition fees for Graduate Studies Programs – includes Graduate Certificates and Master of Science Degree Programs


  •  Immerse yourself in real-world space missions and research projects, gaining practical experience and contributing to new discoveries.
  • Access resources to foster your entrepreneurial spirit and innovative ideas. Benefit from mentorship, resources, and research opportunities to launch your career to the next level.
  • There are up to 50 scholarships available, applicable towards any Graduate Program at the Kepler Space University.


  • Collaborate with like-minded students and faculty on interdisciplinary space projects, allowing you to develop teamwork and leadership skills while contributing to impactful space research.
  • Be at the forefront of space exploration advancements and innovation. Get the knowledge and skills needed to shape the future of humanity’s exploration of the stars.

Space Scholars Program

How to Apply?

We invite you to take part in this 2024 competition, prospective students must register and upload the required materials by September 22nd, 2024.

There are 50 scholarships available, covering 50% of tuition fees applicable towards any Graduate Program at the Kepler Space University.

Step 1: Read Application Guide carefully and adhere to upcoming deadlines.

Step 2: Choose the Space Program you wish to apply to.

Step 3: Get registered by filling out the online application.

Application form is available at:

Step 4: Notification of awards will be sent out 2 weeks after deadline.

Step 5: In the case you win the scholarship, you will have 3 days to confirm your acceptance, and 5 days to complete your enrollment.

The ARCs

Academic Research Centers of Excellence

The purposes of the Academic Research Centers (ARCs) of Excellence are to promote and facilitate education, research activities and collaborations with academic, private and public institutions to support human migration to space. The ARCs of Excellence involve faculty and staff from one or more departments, graduate students, experienced scientists, space engineers, professors, managers, experts in space law and policy, and a growing international group of researchers. We are establishing a multi-disciplinary collaborative research program by bringing together explorers working on space research areas at Kepler Space Institute and beyond, connecting industry with innovators, to address the challenges of the 21st  Century on Earth and in Space. KSI aims to cultivate transformative impact on society through continuous innovation in education and research, with a shared commitment among all members of its community to promote the reverence for life and principles of equal opportunity, equity, and justice. We are dedicated to fostering an open and collaborative culture, providing students an experiential learning experience combining practical skills and rigorous academic study in a diverse and inclusive environment. We seek to build a better world through empowerment, vigilant protection of individual human rights and freedom of expression and inquiry.

Center for Space Philosophy

The Center of Space Philosophy delves into the philosophical questions and ethical considerations surrounding the future of humans living and working in space. As humanity embarks on the exciting journey of space exploration and space settlement, it becomes crucial to explore the philosophical implications and broader societal impacts of our endeavors beyond Earth. At the center, we engage in thought-provoking research, discussions, and scholarly activities focused on the existential and ethical dimensions of permanent human presence in space. Through interdisciplinary approach brings together philosophers, scientists, engineers, social scientists, and experts from various fields to foster a comprehensive understanding of the complex issues involved, the implications of long-duration space travel, the establishment of space communities, and the development of sustainable and ethical practices in future space habitats. The center serves as a hub for discourse, hosting seminars, workshops, and conferences where scholars and practitioners from around the world gather to share their insights and engage in debates, and foster collaboration with academic institutions, space agencies, private companies, and international organizations to shape policies, guidelines, and frameworks that uphold ethical standards and promote the well-being of humans living and working in space. Join us as we navigate the uncharted territories of space philosophy and contribute to shaping the future of humans living and thriving in space.

Center for Space Ethics

The Center of Space Ethics, where we navigate the next frontiers in the solar system and beyond with a steadfast commitment to ethical exploration and responsible practices. As humanity ventures further into space, it becomes imperative to address the ethical considerations and moral challenges that arise in our pursuit of knowledge, resources, and space settlement. At the Center, we engage in rigorous research, education, and advocacy to foster a culture of ethical decision-making and responsible conduct in space exploration. Our multidisciplinary team of scholars, scientists, policymakers, and experts collaboratively examine the ethical dimensions of space activities, ranging from planetary protection and resource utilization to governance frameworks and the well-being of spacefaring communities. Through research initiatives, we explore questions pertaining to the preservation of celestial bodies, the equitable and sustainable use of extraterrestrial resources, the treatment of indigenous life forms, the rights and responsibilities of spacefaring nations and corporations, and the ethical implications of long-duration space travel and habitation. By critically examining these complex ethical issues, we aim to develop guidelines, policies, and best practices that uphold the principles of justice, environmental stewardship, and respect for all beings.

Center for Art & Heritage

The Center of Art & Heritage, celebrates the rich tapestry of human experiences and endeavor to preserve our cultural heritage on Earth and the may firsts in outer space. As humanity expands its presence beyond Earth, it is vital to recognize, cherish and celebrate the artistic expressions and historical legacies that define our diverse cultures. At the center, we explore the intersection of art, culture, and space exploration, fostering a deep appreciation for the creative spirit and the preservation of our cultural heritage in outer space. Our interdisciplinary team of artists, historians, archaeologists, curators, and space enthusiasts collaborates to showcase the artistic endeavors that emerge from space missions, as well as the historical artifacts and cultural practices that are a part of our collective heritage. Through our research and curatorial initiatives, we investigate the ways in which art and cultural heritage can be integrated into space exploration endeavors. We explore the artistic expression of astronauts experiences, the role of art in communicating the awe-inspiring beauty of the seeing the pale blue dot from space, and the potential for frameworks of cultural exchange and collaboration among spacefaring civilizations. We work closely with space agencies, private companies, and international organizations to develop protocols and guidelines for the responsible treatment and protection of cultural artifacts and sites on celestial bodies. By recognizing the significance of these heritage sites, we aim to safeguard them for future generations and ensure that the exploration of space is conducted in a manner that respects and preserves our shared history.

Center for Space Education

The Center of Space Education, is dedicated to removing barriers to learning and ensuring access to quality education for all. We believe that education is the foundation for human progress and that everyone should have the opportunity to explore the wonders of space and contribute to the future of space exploration. At the centre, we strive to create innovative and inclusive educational programs that inspire curiosity, foster critical thinking, and empower learners of all ages. Our team of educators, researchers, and technologists work collaboratively to develop engaging curriculum, leverage emerging technologies, and implement effective teaching methodologies that transcend traditional learning boundaries. We are committed to breaking down the geographical, social, and economic barriers that often hinder access to education. Through online platforms, interactive courses, and virtual learning experiences, we reach learners across the globe, allowing them to participate in space education from anywhere, at any time. Our programs are designed to be flexible and self-paced, accommodating the diverse needs and schedules of learners. In addition to providing accessible education, we prioritize the quality and relevance of our programs. We collaborate with leading experts in space science, engineering, and other related fields to develop curriculum that reflects the latest advancements and discoveries in the space industry.

Center for AI & Robotics

The Center of AI and Robotics, aims to harness the power of artificial intelligence and robotics to develop autonomous learning systems that address the growing needs of the human family. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, we recognize the immense potential of AI and robotics in revolutionizing various aspects of our lives, from healthcare and education to industry and to help augment all aspects of human life. At the center, we are at the forefront of research and development in the fields of autonomous systems, machine learning, and robotics. Our multidisciplinary team of engineers, computer scientists, and experts in AI collaborate to design intelligent machines that can adapt, learn, and interact with humans and our environment. We believe that AI and robotics have the capacity to augment human capabilities, enhance productivity, and improve quality of life. Our focus is on creating autonomous learning robots that can assist and collaborate with humans in various domains. These robots are designed to understand human needs, engage in natural interactions, and provide valuable support in areas such as healthcare, caregiving, education, disaster response, and more. Our research encompass technologies, including machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and robotics. Through the integration of these technologies, we aim to develop intelligent systems that can perceive, reason, and make informed decisions in real-world scenarios, all while prioritizing human safety, ethics, and privacy.  

Center for Space Healthcare & Emergency Response

The Center of Space Healthcare and Emergency Response, seeks to pioneer multi-generational approaches to ensure the long-term well-being of individuals living and working in space. As humans embark on extended space missions and establish settlements in extraterrestrial environments, it is crucial to develop innovative healthcare solutions and effective emergency response systems tailored to the unique challenges of space exploration. At the center, we bring together a diverse team of medical professionals, researchers, engineers, and space experts to address the healthcare needs of spacefarers across different stages of life. We are committed to promoting physical and mental well-being, mitigating health risks, and providing effective medical interventions in space environments. Our research and development initiatives focus on developing medical technologies, telemedicine solutions, and advanced diagnostics specifically designed for space conditions. We explore novel approaches to prevent, diagnose, and treat health issues that arise during prolonged space missions, such as musculoskeletal problems, radiation exposure, psychological stress, and nutritional challenges. In addition to healthcare, we emphasize the importance of emergency response preparedness in space. Our center collaborates with space agencies, mission control centers, and emergency management experts to develop robust systems and protocols for addressing medical emergencies, accidents, and other unforeseen events during space missions. We integrate innovative technologies and simulation-based training to ensure effective emergency response and the safety of space crews.

Center for Space Sustainability

The Center of Space Sustainability, where we strive to enhance the utilization, socioeconomic benefits, operations, and safety of outer space for peaceful purposes. As human activities in space continue to expand, it becomes imperative to promote sustainable practices and ensure the long-term viability of space exploration and utilization. The Center is dedicated to advancing the principles of responsible and inclusive space governance. Our multidisciplinary team of experts in space policy, law, engineering, and environmental science collaborates to develop innovative strategies and frameworks that address the complex challenges of space sustainability. Our research initiatives focus on enhancing the utilization of outer space resources while minimizing the environmental impact. We explore sustainable space exploration techniques, such as in-situ resource utilization and waste management, to reduce reliance on Earth’s resources and enable long-duration missions. Additionally, we study the effects of space activities on celestial bodies and work towards preserving their scientific and cultural value. Furthermore, we strive to maximize the socioeconomic benefits derived from space exploration and utilization.  

Center for Space Energy

The Center of Space Energy, where we are at the forefront of research and innovation in renewable energy sources to support the transition towards Net-Zero Communities. As the world seeks sustainable solutions to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the exploration and utilization of space offer unique opportunities for harnessing clean and abundant energy resources. At the Center, our team of scientists, engineers, and experts in space technology collaborate to develop groundbreaking technologies and systems for capturing, storing, and transmitting renewable energy in space and on Earth. We are committed to advancing the frontiers of space-based energy generation and leveraging these advancements for the benefit of our planet and its communities. Our research focuses on harnessing the power of solar energy, a clean and virtually limitless energy source. We explore innovative techniques to capture solar radiation in space, such as orbiting solar farms and satellite-based power generation. These space-based systems enable continuous energy production without the limitations imposed by weather conditions or geographic constraints.  


Space Research

Kepler stands at the forefront of groundbreaking space research, leading the charge in advancing our understanding of the universe and pioneering innovative solutions for the challenges of space exploration and habitation. With a diverse team of renowned scientists, engineers, and scholars, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of knowledge of how humans will live and work in space. Our research endeavors span a wide range of disciplines, encompassing astrophysics, planetary sciences, space technology, robotics, life sciences, space medicine, and beyond. At Kepler, we believe in the power of interdisciplinary collaboration. Our researchers work hand in hand, combining expertise from various fields to tackle complex problems and spark new insights. This collaborative approach fosters synergy, promotes innovation, and enables us to address multifaceted challenges with comprehensive solutions. Through our research initiatives, we are actively engaged in projects that have far-reaching implications for humanity’s future in space. From designing advanced propulsion systems for interplanetary travel to developing sustainable habitats for long-duration space missions, our scientists are at the forefront of innovation, driving forward the frontiers of human space exploration.

Space Settlements

Space settlements, envisioned as self-sustaining communities beyond our home planet, are designed to support human life and foster scientific, technological, and cultural advancements. They offer a unique environment for innovation, collaboration, and the pursuit of knowledge, pushing the boundaries of what humanity can achieve.These future settlements, whether on the Moon, Mars, or in orbital habitats, will be testaments to human ingenuity, showcasing our ability to thrive in extreme environments and adapt to the challenges of space. They will serve as stepping stones for further exploration and provide invaluable insights into sustainable living, resource utilization, and long-duration space missions. Imagine a world where researchers, scientists, engineers, and artists from around the globe converge in these cosmic havens to unlock the secrets of the universe. From groundbreaking scientific experiments to the creation of awe-inspiring works of art, space settlements will become hotbeds of creativity, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations that transcend traditional boundaries. Furthermore, space settlements hold immense promise for addressing some of the most pressing global challenges we face on Earth. They provide opportunities to pioneer sustainable technologies, harness renewable energy sources, and develop innovative solutions for food production, water management, and waste recycling. Lessons learned in space settlements can be applied back home, paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient future for our planet.

Training & Development

We offer a wide range of comprehensive and innovative training and development programs designed to equip aspiring space professionals with the skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to thrive in this exciting frontier. Our programs cover diverse areas of expertise, including space exploration, engineering, astrophysics, planetary sciences, space law and policy, space medicine, and much more. Whether you are a recent graduate, a seasoned professional seeking a career shift, or an enthusiast eager to delve deeper into the mysteries of the cosmos, we have a program tailored to meet your specific needs and aspirations. At Kepler, we pride ourselves on delivering cutting-edge curriculum taught by leading experts in their respective fields. Our faculty consists of esteemed researchers, accomplished practitioners, and industry pioneers, ensuring that you receive the highest quality education and training. You will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on projects, simulations, and internships that provide practical experience and prepare you for the rigors of real-world space missions and operations.


The Journal of Space Philosophy (JSP) is a prestigious publication dedicated to advancing the field of space philosophy and fostering insightful discussions on the philosophical implications of human exploration, settlement, and activities in space. As an esteemed platform for intellectual exchange, the JSP invites scholars, researchers, and thinkers from diverse disciplines to contribute their groundbreaking research and thought-provoking perspectives. The JSP serves as a catalyst for expanding the horizons of our understanding of the philosophical dimensions of space exploration. It offers a unique opportunity for scholars to delve into profound questions related to the nature of human existence, our place in the universe, ethical considerations of space exploration, the impact on society and culture, and the profound implications for our collective future. The JSP welcomes a wide range of submissions, including original research articles, review papers, commentaries, and book reviews. It embraces interdisciplinary perspectives that bridge the realms of philosophy, astrophysics, planetary sciences, anthropology, ethics, sociology, and more. Whether you are a seasoned philosopher or a budding researcher, the JSP provides a platform to share your unique insights and contribute to the collective knowledge in this dynamic field.


Space Programs

Kepler offers a wide range of dynamic and immersive space programs designed specifically for students. These programs provide a unique opportunity to delve into the captivating world of space exploration and gain hands-on experience in various disciplines. Through interactive workshops, simulations, and engaging lectures delivered by renowned experts, students will acquire a solid foundation in space science, technology, engineering, and related fields. These programs foster critical thinking, teamwork, and problem-solving skills, empowering students to become the next generation of space leaders.

Graduate Studies

Kepler’s graduate studies program is tailored for individuals seeking advanced education and specialization in space-related fields. With a focus on interdisciplinary research and collaboration, the program offers a diverse range of areas of study, including astrophysics, planetary sciences, space engineering, space policy, and more. Students engage in advanced research projects under the guidance of esteemed faculty, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and pushing the boundaries of space exploration. The program provides a nurturing and intellectually stimulating environment that fosters innovation, critical analysis, and leadership development.

Research Projects

At Kepler, research is at the core of our mission. Through our research projects, students and faculty have the opportunity to explore fascinating and impactful areas of space science and technology. From studying celestial bodies and cosmic phenomena to developing novel space technologies and instruments, research projects offer an avenue for discovery and innovation. Students are actively involved in experimental design, data collection, analysis, and publication of their findings. These projects not only contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge but also cultivate valuable research skills and instill a passion for exploration and discovery.


Kepler’s internship programs provide students with invaluable hands-on experience in real-world space-related settings. Through collaborations with leading space agencies, private companies, and research institutions, students have the opportunity to work alongside professionals in various fields, including engineering, mission planning, space medicine, and more. Interns gain practical skills, industry insights, and networking opportunities that enhance their career prospects and deepen their understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the space sector. These internships are a stepping stone to a successful and fulfilling career in the space industry.

Co-op Placements

Kepler’s co-op placement programs offer students the chance to engage in extended work experiences in the space industry while pursuing their academic studies. These placements typically span several months, allowing students to immerse themselves in a professional work environment and contribute to meaningful projects. Co-op students work closely with industry professionals, gaining exposure to real-world challenges and applying their academic knowledge to practical applications. These experiences provide students with a competitive edge, valuable industry connections, and a deeper understanding of the intricacies of the space sector. Co-op placements offer a bridge between academia and the workforce, preparing students for successful careers in the space industry.


Contact Us

At Kepler, we value open communication and strive to provide exceptional support to our community. If you have any questions, inquiries, or feedback, our dedicated Contact Us page is the gateway to connect with us. Whether you’re a prospective student, a researcher, a member of the media, or simply curious about space education, our contact form allows you to reach out to our knowledgeable staff who will promptly respond to your queries. We are committed to ensuring a seamless and personalized experience for all individuals interested in exploring the cosmos and its wonders.

Social Media

Stay connected with Kepler’s vibrant community through our active presence on various social media platforms. By following our official social media accounts, you gain access to a wealth of space-related content, updates on the latest research breakthroughs, announcements about upcoming events, and inspiring stories from our students, faculty, and alumni. Engage with fellow space enthusiasts, participate in thought-provoking discussions, and stay informed about the latest developments in space science and exploration. Join our social media community and be part of the ongoing conversation shaping the future of space education.


Our newsletters provide a curated selection of space news, research highlights, and campus updates delivered directly to your inbox. By subscribing to our newsletters, you gain exclusive access to valuable insights, upcoming events, and exciting opportunities within the space community. Stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in space science, receive inspiring stories from our students and faculty, and get a glimpse into the innovative research projects taking place at Space University. Our newsletters are designed to keep you informed, engaged, and connected with the ever-evolving world of space education.


Kepler recognizes the vital role that media plays in sharing our mission and accomplishments with the wider audience. Our dedicated media page serves as a comprehensive resource for journalists, reporters, and media professionals seeking accurate and up-to-date information about our institution, research initiatives, faculty expertise, and more. Here, you will find press releases, media kits, high-resolution images, and contact details for media inquiries. We are committed to providing timely and accurate information to media outlets and fostering collaborations to enhance public understanding of space education and exploration.


At Kepler, community is at the heart of everything we do. We foster a vibrant and inclusive community of students, faculty, researchers, and space enthusiasts who are passionate about the exploration and understanding of the cosmos. Our community page serves as a central hub where individuals can connect with like-minded peers, share ideas, collaborate on projects, and participate in events and initiatives that promote space education. Engage in discussions, join interest groups, and forge meaningful connections with individuals who share your passion for space exploration. Together, we form a supportive and inspiring community dedicated to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and shaping the future of space education.

“With ships or sails built for heavenly winds, some will venture into that great vastness”

Johannes Kepler, Letter to Galileo



Space Education

Address the needs of a rapidly evolving space industry, experience space programs equipping the leaders of tomorrow with the knowledge and know-how needed to successfully navigate change. Our programs cover space technology, human spaceflight, and mission operations. Led by industry professionals, to support research and development of the human exploration and migration to space.

Graduate Certificates

Online programs focusing on Interdisciplinary Space Studies, KSU provides specialized graduate certificates for those aiming to excel in the space industry. Our flexible programs offer theoretical knowledge and practical experiences, tailored to your interests. Learn from renowned faculty, explore new frontiers, and gain skills and credentials to advance your career.

Masters Degrees

The Master of Science (M.S.) Degree Programs feature coursework, research training, and collaborations with faculty in a research-led culture emphasizing rigor, creativity & innovation. Students will join industry leaders to help guide the sustainable development of Space, and with the support of commercial and international partners will conduct impactful research in space-related fields to enable human expansion from Earth to Space.


Space research necessitates visionary leaders who can inspire and guide the exploration of new frontiers, driving innovation, and fostering collaboration among diverse teams to achieve breakthroughs in space technology and expansion from Earth to Space.


Advancing medical knowledge and technologies, enables the understanding of the effects of microgravity on human health, developing remedies and countermeasures for long term space travel-related health issues, and fostering breakthroughs in telemedicine and remote healthcare delivery.


Space profoundly impacts society by inspiring awe and curiosity, driving technological advancements, and offering potential solutions to global challenges such as climate change, resource scarcity, and sustainable living through the development of space-based technologies and systems.


Space research provides unparalleled opportunities to study celestial bodies, cosmic phenomena, and fundamental principles of physics, astronomy, and planetary science, leading to discoveries that reshape our understanding of the universe and laying the foundation for future space exploration endeavors.


Government involvement in space research is crucial for fostering international cooperation, setting regulations and policies, ensuring the safe and ethical exploration of space, and facilitating partnerships between public and private entities to drive technological advancements and expand human presence beyond Earth.


Space research pushes the boundaries of engineering by demanding the development of robust and efficient spacecraft, propulsion systems, life support technologies, and advanced materials, driving innovation across various engineering disciplines and creating spin-off technologies with applications on Earth.
Explore the Next Frontiers

Space Research Areas

We are seeking passionate individuals to join our vibrant community. Our institution is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and human space exploration. By joining our research programs, you will have the opportunity to work alongside renowned scientists and experts in their respective fields, building the worlds of tomorrow, developing innovative technologies to support future space communities.

Through our collaborative and dynamic environment, you will be empowered and make contributions to space research, shaping the future of human exploration and paving the way for transformative discoveries. If you are driven by curiosity, inspired by the wonders of space, and eager to be part of a community that is pushing the frontiers of knowledge, Kepler welcomes you to embark on an extraordinary journey of exploration and discovery.