Space For All: Sustainability & Peace, on Earth and Beyond

Jun 12, 2024

Space For All: Sustainability & Peace, on Earth and Beyond

The United Nations Committee for the Peaceful Use of Outer Space (COPOUOS) is holding 2 important sessions in springtime: the Legal SubCommittee on 15-25 April, and the General Assembly 67th on 18-28 June. Such discussions, preceding the U.N. General Assembly 79th, which will take place in September, focus on space resources. In the context of the incoming cislunar economy, the legal, scientific, and technical aspects of lunar and asteroid resources mining, extraction, property, industrial, and intellectual properties, are of primary importance. The current geopolitical conjuncture is characterized by two devastating wars at the doors of Europe, and the dawn of astropolitics, with several competing Moon initiatives. The broad support for the two main lunar initiatives – the ARTEMIS Accords and the ILRS – testify to the great interest of all the Earth’s Countries to be part of space development. SRI and NSS, representing nearly 100 coalized co-promoters, will be participating to the COPUOS sessions in Vienna, supporting a proposed 18th SDG, focused on civilian-led space development, to be added to the U.N. 2030 Agenda. With the purpose of supporting our delegation at COPUOS, we have organized a virtual round table, on the 12 of June 2024, that will be live-streamed on the Space Renaissance YouTube channel. Everybody is invited to attend and to interact with the panelists via the YouTube chat.

The event includes a broad set of topics, for 5 round-table panels:

Panel 1- use of space resources, on Earth, and in space

Panel 2 – orbital debris, mature waste management, a circular blue economy on Earth, on the Moon, and in space

Panel 3 – space law and private entities in space

Panel 4- sustainable benefits for all peoples of planet Earth

Panel 5- space for sustainability and peace, and sustainable space development

We call everybody to discuss with us: people from space-faring and not-yet-spacefaring countries, what your expected benefits from space development, and what your contribution to human evolution into a spacefaring civilization.

Stay connected and explore more! Follow KSU, on our official social media channels and website for the latest updates and news. We invite you to seize this exceptional opportunity to embark on an experiential learning journey with us, and transform your orbit!


12 June 2024


Virtual Event

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