89th Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada 2021 Convention

Jan 2, 2021

PDAC 2021: The world’s premier virtual mineral exploration and mining convention

The Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada’s (PDAC) 2021 Convention—the world’s premier mineral exploration and mining event—will mark its 89th anniversary with a virtual convention on March 8-11, 2021.

The event, which kicks off on International Women’s Day, will highlight the importance of equity, diversity and inclusion in the industry. While there is work to be done, important progress is being made. Diversity and inclusion are key priorities for PDAC and featured throughout our programming at the annual PDAC Convention.

In 2021, all attendees will have access to a customized virtual platform to navigate through the various exhibit halls, enjoy sessions covering the industry’s trending topics, use our matchmaking tool and network with colleagues. Educational sessions and new content will be accessible post-convention for three months.

Attendees will also enjoy the social side of PDAC 2021 with musical acts, exclusive tours, interactive events and more! A variety of engaging entertainment will be showcased throughout the four days of convention.

Stay connected and explore more! Follow Kepler, on our official social media channels and website for the latest updates and news. We invite you to seize this exceptional opportunity to embark on an experiential learning journey with us, transform your orbit!


March 8-11, 2021



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