CALL FOR PAPERS Accepting Papers for the Spring 2024 Issue: “Philosophy & Ethics of Space Law.” Submission Deadline: February 1, 2024

Jan 31, 2024

CALL FOR PAPERS Accepting Papers for the Spring 2024 Issue: “Philosophy & Ethics of Space Law.” Abstract Submission Deadline: February 1, 2024

The Journal of Space Philosophy (JSP) invites authors to contribute to our Spring 2024 issue, a special edition dedicated to the Philosophy and Ethics of Space Law. We seek abstract submissions that stimulate and challenge our understanding of space law from both philosophical and ethical perspectives, and we are particularly interested in work that pushes the boundaries of traditional discourse. In this era of accelerating human space exploration and utilization, space law is in a phase of rapid evolution. This issue aims to explore the philosophical foundations of current space laws, the ethical challenges posed by these laws, and the prospective directions space law could take in the future.

We are also issuing calls for papers for the Fall 2024 editions of the journal. The fall issue will address space healthcare and emergency response for the multi-generational human family in space communities. Both Spring and Fall 2024 editions may also include material on other subjects.

Please send articles for consideration to JSP Associate Editor, Jason Batt at [email protected] or use the link below. Thank you and we look forward to connecting you!

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Call for Papers: Submit An Article


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