Cities in Space 2017

May 23, 2017

The Cities in Space® Student Competition and Conference! In your classroom right now sit the future settlers and inhabitants of new worlds.

The members and associates of the New Worlds Institute are dedicated to opening the space frontier in our lifetime to everyone. Beyond the boundaries of race, gender, ideological and socioeconomic difference, New Worlds Institute believes in opening this new path to any and all who would like to go. In order to be prepared for the world of Free Space and colonization, the human race must consider what to do once the traveling is over and we have arrived.

Space colonization on other planets, the Moon and into Free Space will require an immense amount of skills and resource but eventually, humans will be born in these colonies and the human race can thrive and multiply in a new world alive with new culture, science, and ideologies in the making of a great civilization.

The Cities in Space® Competition coincides with the New Worlds Conference each fall where student presentations are held. Hosted by New Worlds Conference 2017 this fall in Austin, students come together to present, compete and learn from one another about building a new world beyond Earth and how to create a surviving and thriving community. At Cities in Space® when they are not presenting, competing students have the opportunity to listen to speakers during the conference as well as meet scientists, engineers, NASA experts, New Space leaders, and astronauts. Students attend a luncheon with designated speakers such as leading scientists, entrepreneurs, researchers, and businesses.

In support of STEAM ( Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) Education and Project Based Learning, the Cities in Space® Competition is aimed at creating a structure that can enable the human race to survive and thrive as a new civilization in space.


With a strong commitment to STEAM ( Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) education, Project Based Learning, and Social Emotional Learning, the Cities in Space® Competition is aimed at creating a structure that will enable the human race to survive and thrive into a new civilization in space.




November 10, 2017


Austin, TEXAS

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